Grumman Goose seaplane in frozen water Alaska
British Catalina at Biscarrosse
Video about Dakota seaplane
Douglas DC-3 Dakota was a legendary passenger aircraft, mounted on floating in the second world war. One of them Dakota seaplanes would be nearly seventy-five-year-old, damage that can not fly today. A few years ago guest video about it.
Video: Junkers F-13 seaplane on Lake Balaton
This video showing how fly the Junkers F-13 by seaplane on Lake Balaton in the twenties. Recently built a Junkers F-13 replica in Germany. It could be mounted on wheels instead of floats, may be back nostalgia seaplane flight in Europe.
Seaplane sightseeing over Dubai
Recent seaplane sightseeing video about Dubai. This monumental city has become iconic for its special-shaped artificial islands, skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.
RC Dornier Do-214 Lufthansa fantastic flight
Frank Seuffert built a more than two-meter wingspan radio remote-controlled two-storey historical passenger seaplane. The RC Do-214 Lufthansa elegant flight is shown in this video.
Adventure flight and barefoot waterski with seaplane
In Australia the travelers looking for adventure a Polish military plane converted seaplane. Florida in turn the seaplane tows the water skiers.