
Published by Varghson Ltd. from Hungary (H-2040 Budaors, POB 231)

Editor in chief:
Sandor DR. VARGA
Email: varga.sandor.dr@repulnijo.hu


Pictures and videos:
Daniel VARGA


Our Goal

This site is not a new homepage which is operated by pilots, but a site which aims to reach and rise those civilians who love the seaplane aviation. We are constructing this site in Europe where the seaplane aviation is more like a historical relic than reality.

It follows that we would like to bring the seaplane aviation closer to ordinary people by videos, photos and experiences. We present hydroplane and amphibian producers, air companies and flying clubs from all over the world. We visit air shows to report flying experiences to achieve that the wonderful world of seaplane aviation touch our readers and visitors.

We would like to promote the spread of seaplane aviation form the side of enthusiasts in Europe. The Internet sites are bound by the tradition which was established by the newspapers at the dawn of aviation with prizes, without that, there would not have been flying attempts over the Channel or the Ocean.

We would like to inspire the travelers that during their travels try out the seaplane aviation on scheduled flights, seaplane days or on other events.

We also would like to inspire the restoration of seaplane aviation in those countries in which this filed of aviation is not known at all.

We gather the enquirers around the site, inspiring them to make comments, we also invite tenders, visiting and supporting conferences and festivals or if necessary we also organize some.

During the past few years the seaplane aviation has revived all around the world. We can witness the reconstitution of the old seaplane types, the designing and producing of brand new seaplanes, the rising number of seaplane companies, clubs, services, hobby pilots, enquirers and investors.

Last but not least there is an augmentation in the number of public, in the form of passengers or viewers and enthusiasts.

Due to the FUSETRA program – to which we have also joined – the future and the harmonization of different national seaplane aviation rules are planned on European level.

Though the site was launched only on the fall of 2009, we are not beginners. We have been dealing with online homepage construction for ten years in Hungary.

We are the owners of the greatest fan site the Repülni jó (Flying is good) portal which deals with wide variety of issues from commercial flights through space aviation, scale models to history of aviation or in brief with everything which have connection to flying.