Grumman Goose seaplane in frozen water Alaska
Video about Dakota seaplane
Douglas DC-3 Dakota was a legendary passenger aircraft, mounted on floating in the second world war. One of them Dakota seaplanes would be nearly seventy-five-year-old, damage that can not fly today. A few years ago guest video about it.
Great beautiful pics about Minnesota Seaplane Picnic
Nancy M. Johnson sent great beautiful pics about Minnesota Seaplane Picnic, where over 300 people attended the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association’s Annual Pig Roast and Fly In two weeks ago.
My favorite – Pan American began scheduled air service from the United States to Great Britain
77 years ago today Pan American World Airways began scheduled air service from the United States to Britain. The Boeing 314 Yankee Clipper made the first flight from Port Washington to Southampton, while the clipper has landed a few times.
Seaplane flight between Boston and Manhattan
Today the business travelers can travel between the two cities by car, rail or air travel, but it takes at least 4 hours. The seaplane service is a long-overdue option, because the passengers can fly from Boston to Manhattan in under 90 minutes.
Seaplane reaction strike after a nuclear war
In the ’50s both the American and Soviet political leadership ordered seaplanes, able to carry out nuclear bombings. In the case of destroyed airfields, these monster seaplanes still could have been able to react with nuclear bombs to the aggressor.
ICON A5 at New York City
The ICON A5 has been flying along the Hudson River and the over iconic New York skyline last week. Captain Kirk Hawkins the ICON’s founder and CEO explains and shows in this article’s video that small seaplane would be like a flying car.
EAA Airventure Oshkosh: seaplanes on grass, on water
Recently was the world’s largest annual aircraft pilot’s meeting at Oshkosh, near Chicago, where seaplanes also showcased. Alex McNaught from Australia sent us a reportage with images about osh15. The end of this article we recommend a seaplane captain blogpost, who from Singapore came to the meeting.