Where do you plan to make workshops and what is the agenda?

The elaboration of new concepts for “Improving passenger choice in air transportation with the incorporation of new seaplane/amphibian transport system including additional and new vehicles” shall be based on existing experiences and its evaluation and on research work focussing on future oriented traffic system concepts.

In order to collect all existing experiences and ideas for better and more effective future traffic concepts in comprehensive way workshops will be organized. The workshops shall bring together all important stakeholders.


In order to interest for participation a large number of stakeholders from all over Europe considering cost effective travel and time arrangements three different locations are selected:

The first workshop will take place in Biscarrosse during the well known international seaplane event on 14th of May 2010.

The second workshop is planned during Malta Airshow in September 2010.

The third workshop is not yet fixed, it may happen in the Baltic area.

The first workshop will emphasize on all kind of operational experiences (permissions, mission boundaries, exchange of passengers, etc.)
The second workshop will primarily deal with aircrafts, infrastructure and maintenance aspects.

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The third workshop will present the preliminary results.

Introductory presentations of consortium members and prepared speeches given by experts shall open panel discussions to the topics included in the objectives. Follow-on working group activities with workshop participants and interested experts shall elaborate specific items. Where ever possible a review on non-European activities as a bench mark will be provided by invited speakers.

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