Douglas DC-3 Dakota was a legendary passenger aircraft, mounted on floating in the second world war. One of them Dakota seaplanes would be nearly seventy-five-year-old, damage that can not fly today. A few years ago guest video about it.
Great beautiful pics about Minnesota Seaplane Picnic
Nancy M. Johnson sent great beautiful pics about Minnesota Seaplane Picnic, where over 300 people attended the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association’s Annual Pig Roast and Fly In two weeks ago.
Guestvideo: Grumman Duck flight
The Grumman J2F Duck an American single-engine amphibious oldtimer biplane take off from airfield. It do some flying and pilot maybe even takes her down on the nearby lake.
Seaplane Fly-In on Eagle River
The 2011 Seaplane Fly-In near Eagle River, Wisconsin USA. Some pictures and one video about it.