Three new European seaplanes types from the 2010s

Three new European seaplanes types from the 2010s

In Europe, three two-seater seaplanes were developed and introduced in 2010’s years that reached customers. My new video compilation of them.

Most seaplane were produced by the Russian company AeroVolga, more than 20 Borey.

The German aircraft factory FlyWhale, which is now looking for an investor, has around 10 orders for its seaplanes.

I like the seaplane of the French-Chinese Lisa Airplanes Akoya the most because it is able to operate in the snow, water and land. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to buy an Akoya seaplane from them.


  1. Hello,

    You missed this one.
    Developed in Norway by Nordic Aircraft AS and produced by Atec.

    Best regards
    Terje Sandvik

  2. Anders Berggren

    Hej! Läste nyligen om “Ack-62” från Selina Aviation Group. Är det en ny tillverkare i Samara av sjöflygplan? “Seregin Aircraft LLC approved aircraft and aircraft parts developer and producer with headquarter in Samara city, Russian Federation. Sence 1993 team founders have developed several well-known seaplanes – Pelican, L-6, L-6 “Flagman”, LA-8, L-42M.” De verkar kunna det här med mindre amfibier! Beträffande den amerikansk-kanadensiska maskinen Seawind 3000 tog någon fram en maskin som skulle vara säkrare. Var det Sea-Star som lär ha kommit hit tll Sverige. Tillverkningen skulle ev. komma igång i Ungern. Finns den här maskinen idag?

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