Invitation for first European Hydroaviation Congress

Invitation for first European Hydroaviation Congress

Letter from the congress organizers.


Dear friends,

We are working tirelessly and with great enthusiasm in the organization of the I European Hydroaviation Congress in March 2020 in the Port of Pollensa, and I am sure that you will take advantage of this event to enjoy a few lovely days on our beautiful Mallorcan coast.

I am attaching the first outline of the program that we are preparing, and I would be very grateful if you could forward to me all your suggestions in order that we can adapt the program to the needs of the countries of the European Community. Your participation in this event and your comments are very important so that the organization team are able to modify the different points to be treated.

Within a short time Gaspar Ivars, Andrea Pollard and Irene Nadal, the team responsible for the organization, will be in contact with you to inform you of the details of the hotels, official acts, meetings, names of the participants of the different countries and thereby complete the Congress committee with the various presidencies of the participating countries.

For my part, I sincerely hope that this will be a Congress of union between all hydroaviation enthusiasts , and that it will provide a sensation of integration in a team of mutual collaboration for the benefit of all.

To conclude, I would like to mention that we have already received the letter from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force advising us that they will be participating in this Congress.

I am looking forward to being able to welcome you, and share with you a very pleasant few days in the Port of Pollensa.

Kindest regards,

Miguel Buades Socias


Fundació Aeronàutica Mallorquina

Contact organizers and IV Splash-In Pollencia 2019


  1. Mikael

    Pls invite to a info meeting at AERO2020 in Friedrichshafen. Not all of us is able to go to Mallorcha this time of the year.

  2. Alexandros

    Hello organizers

    When exactly are you organizing this event? What dates?

    Thank you

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