We visited to Como (Italy) and attended celebration of the Aero Club last weekend.
The hangar is situated next to the football stadium. There is a road among hangar, lake and yacht harbour. Cars, seaplanes, sailing boats and birds geting on well together.
The day of celebration was education, moveing of the seaplanes and flying, as regularly.
That day the international participants of the celebration flew together 30 kilometer above the lake, and they called at Hotel San Giorgio for having lunch.
On the having good atmosphere hangarparty president of the Aero Club Cesare Bay’s beatband played sixtyes years hits evening. There are some photos runthrough beatband afternoon.
Previous articels:
Video: Seaplane harbours in Vancouver
Video: The flight of Beriev 103 in Gelendzhik
Suggested link:
Aero Club Como
Thanks for the very nice web site! Let me know when we can come and land on Balaton!
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