Hydroplanes at such an exhibition are not easy to be found. We are about to present four plane types which are all amphibians, moreover land variants of two of these will also be sold.
The biggest one is the well known Beriev-200. It is a multifunction amphibian with two jet engines on the top of its wings, which will be produced by the Irkut Corporation. They are planning to equip the passenger cabin with seats for commercial service. There are more detailes in a video interview.
The Canadian Viking airplane factory, which modernizes the DHC 2, 3 and 6 types, were also present at the exhibition. The Twin Otter amphibian is almost ready for commercial service, more details will be published in an upcoming post.
The Cessna was also there at the airshow with its Asian representation and with the new land variant of the 208 Grand Caravan, however the sea variant could be found in the catalogs to.
Finally we also have to mention the well known fireplane, the Bombardier 415.
Previous articels:
Video: IRKUT Corporation in Singapore Airshow
Suggested links:
Singapore Airshow
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