Video: German Seaplane Day – Interview with the organizer
We were present at a smaller seaplane celebration in the wonderful valley of river Mosel in September. Here we publish a short video and an interview with the organizer.
We bring seaplane aviation closer to people
We were present at a smaller seaplane celebration in the wonderful valley of river Mosel in September. Here we publish a short video and an interview with the organizer.
For the honor of the centenary of the foundation of the first Dornier airplane factory, Conrado Dornier builds a new seaplane factory in Canada where the 10 seater Luxury Dornier Seastar will be constructed of composite in the next five years.
In Finland as the land of thousand lakes no wonder that water flying is flourishing. Due to the short season the Finns expanded their water flying association with skies flying.
If somebody jumps into the water with his stomach he is going to have a painful experience. In the case of a fast subject the water behaves like the concrete. When a plane touch the water it is like that it would take plunge into it as its knife shaped bottom touch the water first.